AI u prodaji
Umjetna inteligencija (AI) postaje sve važnija u prodaji, nudeći prednosti poput analitike i chatbota. Mercuri International priznaje značaj umjetne inteligencije, ali naglašava da su potrebni kvalificirani stručnjaci za iskorištavanje njezinog potencijala. Upotrebom umjetne inteligencije uz snažnu izgradnju odnosa i vještine dodane vrijednosti, učinkovitost prodaje može se značajno poboljšati.

Conversational learning
Mercuri offers conversational sales enablement tools for ongoing learning during work, with pull, push, and guided experiences on platforms like Teams, Slack, and Webex.
Learning in the flow of work
Mercuri’s AI predictive analytics empowers sales managers, while chatbots improve sales enablement and competence development for businesses.
Autonomous selling
Mercuri International’s sales enablement and AI proficiency birthed an autonomous selling system, leveraging conversational prospect enablement and AI technology to elevate customer experience.

Data-driven sales
Mercuri’s quantative and qualitative analysis of reps, deals, and accounts helps coaches give data-driven recommendations, resulting in prosperous sales teams.

Re-thinking sales
Discover the undeniable benefits of AI for business and education. Although questions remain about practical applications, AI impacts our lives in both obvious and subtle ways. Learn more through our webinars, podcasts, and blog posts or by watching our recorded session.

With the rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there are many questions surrounding its challenges and applications. Have a look at the AI-FAQ to get valuable insights and help you make informed decisions.
Get inspired here.

Tune in to Sales Boost podcast for inspiring, short but in-depth interviews on AI in sales and changing work topics. Experts share fresh perspectives and challenge conventional wisdom to help transform your business.
Listen to the episodes.

Leveraging Investment in Sales Coaching for a Chemical Company