Mercuri International je u Q4 2019. g. preuzeo kompaniju ProSales. Kompanija ProSales je vodeća švedska kompanija za istraživanje i menadžment konzalting. ProSales će osnažiti područje ključnih kompetencija Mercuri Internationala – PRODAJNU IZVRSNOST. Ovo preuzimanje će također doprinijeti osnaživanju pozicije Mercuri Internationala kao tržišnog lidera.

Kompanija ProSales djeluje u 2 osnovna područja:
- ProSales Consulting – menadžment konzalting u području B2B komercijalne izvrsnosti i
- ProSales Institute – B2B istraživanje i razvoj prodajnih alata, umrežavanje i organizacija poslovnih događanja.
Henrik Munthe, CEO ProSales Consulting: “We are very much excited to become part of, and reinforce, the Mercuri value chain. The combination of ProSales’ insights and Mercuri’s s learning solutions will enable our customers to make more informed decisions on investments in Sales Excellence.”
Markus Ejenäs, CEO ProSales Institute: “We look forward very much to joining forces with Mercuri International. Their global footprint offers a great platform for international expansion of our offering for sales management. The combination of Mercuri’s footprint and our research implies that we can expand our community that utilizes our research-based insights on Sales Excellence.”

“I am convinced that ProSales will strengthen Mercuri’s core competence around Sales Excellence through their proven expertise within Commercial Excellence. ProSales will support Mercuri’s global offering in the areas of consulting services, events, research & insights. For our clients it means that with Mercuri International & ProSales together, they can find a local & global partner alongside their own value chain from sales strategy design via strategy implementation to realising better sales results.”